CodingTest/[프로그래머스 LV.0]

프로그래머스 LV.0 - 옷가게 할인 받기[Python]

짱엉 2023. 1. 21. 23:43

나의 코드

def solution(price):
    if price >= 500000:
        return int(price*0.8)
    elif price >= 300000 and price < 500000:
        return int(price * 0.9)
    elif price >= 100000 and price < 300000:
        return int(price * 0.95)
        return int(price)



def solution(price):
    discount_rates = {500000: 0.8, 300000: 0.9, 100000: 0.95, 0: 1}
    for discount_price, discount_rate in discount_rates.items():
        if price >= discount_price:
            return int(price * discount_rate)

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